China-India Competition: An Appraisal


  • Dr. Saif ur Rehman Malik Director, India Study Centre , Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad
  • Dost Muhammad Research Associate, India Study Centre, Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad


Economy, Military modernization, Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) Population, GDP, Covid-19


Both China and India are two ancient civilizations, great economic giants, military powers, and are the most populous countries globally, contributing considerably to the world's economy.  In the pre-colonized South Asia era, both states had amicable relations that later were exacerbated in the post-colonization of South Asia. The prevailing rivalry of China and India, according to Chinese, statecrafts is the brainchild of the British Empire attributed to perpetuating its hegemony visa-e-vise China. The continuation of the British legacy to demoralize China, particularly in the 21st century, by all means, will not serve the Indian interests. Meanwhile, India can't be compared with China in the economy, military, politics, and diplomacy. China's robust economy has enabled her to expedite its economic, political, and military powers across the world. India, a next-door neighbor of China, is obsessed with countering the Chinese's influence and proving counterproductive for her. India, to counter China, has jumped on the U.S. bandwagon. As for the containment of China, the U.S. and Indian interests are concerned, witnesses a growing convergence.




How to Cite

Malik, D. S. ur R., & Muhammad, D. (2021). China-India Competition: An Appraisal. Journal of Global Peace and Security Studies (JGPSS), 2(1), 15–25. Retrieved from