Do Morals Matter Presidents and Foreign Policy from FDR to Trump


  • Syed Shah Hussain Iuic


U.S. foreign policy, International politics, Public opinion, Morals, American presidents


In "Do Morals Matter?” Joseph S. Nye Jr. delves deeply into the complex relationship between morality and American foreign policy choices, covering the period from Franklin D. Roosevelt's administration to Donald Trump's. The book, which was released in 2020, examines how moral concerns influenced the choices made by different American presidents and uses a chronological format to walk readers through significant historical moments. Nye adeptly simplifies intricate ideas, making them understandable to academics and laypeople alike. The book's analysis of historical case studies—like the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Iraq War—to show the complex ethical aspects of foreign policy is highlighted in the review. It also highlights how Nye acknowledges the grey regions that arise from moral decision-making without oversimplifying. A major subject that offers a comprehensive grasp of the variables influencing ethical concerns is the role of domestic politics and public opinion in influencing leaders' moral calculus. The analysis also looks at more recent administrations, such as the Trump and Obama ones, and it raises concerns about how U.S. foreign policy may develop going forward. In the end, "Do Morals Matter?" is a pertinent and topical resource that promotes critical thought on the perennial issue of morality in international politics.



How to Cite

Syed Shah Hussain. (2024). Do Morals Matter Presidents and Foreign Policy from FDR to Trump . Journal of Global Peace and Security Studies (JGPSS), 4(2). Retrieved from