Climate Change: A Non-traditional Threat to Human Security


  • Saleem Azam Muslim Youth University


Climate Change, Non-Traditional Threat, Global Warming, Global Society



Climate change is considered a non-traditional threat to the global community, and it has a negative impact on human psychology and future generations. This idea has attracted global attention as a real existing threat, and they must contribute to solving the problem on a practical basis. Some industrial states took it as a theoretical problem and did not pay attention to greenhouse gases and global warming. In this research, the author has focused the discussion on a few questions, such as: What is the cause of global warming? Is global warming due to human activities? How much does it cost to resolve the problem? What measures must be taken to stop global warming? Studies have shown that man-made activities are the main enhancers of global warming. The immediate cause of global warming is the smoke from industries, vehicles, aircraft, and different explosive tests and experiments. Earth is a unique and dynamic planet capable of inhabiting and facilitating life forms. In the universe, only the planet Earth sustains water and oxygen for the metabolic activities of the organisms. Climate change is a real threat to the global community, and it must be resolved by proper planning and by implementing policies. Now, if we want to reduce the severe impacts of climate change, This study suggests reducing global carbon emissions. The international community must take swift, judicious, and pragmatic actions to decarbonize the global world. Global society must shift from carbon fuel to renewable or inexhaustible energy resources like wind and cosmos energy; electrify motors; and optimize energy efficiency in construction, machines, and industries. Grow more trees to purify nature and get fresh oxygen for lifelong activities.




How to Cite

Azam, S. (2023). Climate Change: A Non-traditional Threat to Human Security . Journal of Global Peace and Security Studies (JGPSS), 4(2). Retrieved from