Peace Talks: A Directory of Peace Process in Mindanao


  • Dan Kristian Rivera Saint Columban College
  • Jessiel Jane Babayson


Mindanao, Peace, Process, Philippines, Muslim, Security



This paper introduces a directory of peace instruments crucial to the peace process in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao. Nearly three years into the transition, the former MILF rebels, now in charge of the interim administration, have, with the assistance of the national army, largely confined the armed groups opposed to the peace process. Even so, there are still occasional clashes in the area, despite the low threat of major conflict.

The paper also briefly explains the different facets of the Moros' struggle in Mindanao. It will explain the history of armed conflict in Mindanao, including some of the operations of terrorist networks influenced by violent extremism; peace instruments: laws and agreements; international organizations; stories and publications; organizations and movements; and peacebuilding initiatives; and conclude with the current status quo of the BARMM.

The importance of this paper lies in the fact that there is a need to stretch our understanding of what peace instruments are crucial to the peace process in the long war situation experienced by the Muslim Filipinos in the South. This will help academics and independent researchers learn about the contributions of different aspects to continuing to achieve peace in Mindanao.

The resources used to assess the likelihood in this paper will focus on the history of the Moro people in Mindanao through peer-reviewed journals, research papers, news articles, commentaries, and documentaries.



How to Cite

Rivera, D. K., & Babayson, J. J. (2023). Peace Talks: A Directory of Peace Process in Mindanao. Journal of Global Peace and Security Studies (JGPSS), 3(2). Retrieved from