Cyber Threats to Pakistan's National Power Grid


  • Babar Khan SecurityWall
  • Dr Hammaad Salik
  • Rao Ibrahim Zahid


As Pakistan continues to experience an expansion of its cyber environment and engagement in the global IT market, the nation remains exposed to a plethora of cyber threats, including cybercrime, espionage, and cyber warfare. The targeting of the country's vital infrastructure, including power and energy systems, military and government networks, and financial institutions, has resulted in a number of cyber-attacks that have led to power outages, financial losses, and disruptions to essential services.[ The incorporation of technology in Pakistan's electrical power infrastructure has become an indispensable aspect of contemporary society as it enables the efficient management and distribution of electricity; however, it also escalates the potential ramifications of a cyber-attack on these systems in the absence of adequate security measures. Nevertheless, the potential consequences of a cyber-attack on these systems are often overlooked and undervalued due to a lack of awareness and comprehension of the potential risks and a lack of investment and resources devoted to cybersecurity.



How to Cite

Khan, B., Salik, H., & Ibrahim, R. (2023). Cyber Threats to Pakistan’s National Power Grid. Journal of Global Peace and Security Studies (JGPSS), 3(2). Retrieved from